Monday, January 17, 2011

STOP ANIMAL ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So. I've been real big on hating animal abuse and animal slaughterings all that stuff. I agree if we don't eat animals, they
will eventually eat us. But still, we can limit the amount of animals killed for our greedy over-weight society.
Just think about it... how would you feel if you were being constantly abused?

Nash Rockets Volleyball Update.
Well, we lost our first game against Donovan but it sure was fun! ☺☻ "Big Blue" lost to "Little Red", sadly. And who knew that "Bobcats" are stronger/better than "Rockets"? We seriously need to work on our skills.

Youtube Update!!!
I'm working on my newest video. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a comedy or what but still. It will probably be out soon and if it's not then we'll just have to wait. After my "commercial" that I'm making for a "Fast-working Acne medicine" I will be moving on to a  "Movie Trailer" and if I get a demend for the actual movie, I'll work on it. The "Commercial" will be on my original page; MichaellenaRox and the bloopers (if I have any) will be on my second account: MichaellenaCampbell
when it is up I will make a new update.

Facebook Update
To anybody wondering where went, facebook deleted it.  My first account was
go ahead and add me!!
My fanpage on facebook is: MichaellenaRox
and: MichaellenaRox on youtube (official PAGE)
Like them ;D
That's all I have for facebook.

Random Quote: "It is not about what a person looks like or talks like; it is what is found on the inside that truly counts the most." ~Michaellena Rhiannon Campbell.

A Contest!
The person to write the best comment (in my opinion) for the following sentence will get a shout-out on!
Complete the sentence: I would like ________ on a _________.
It could be any words. For example: I would like cream cheese on a banana-whipped sundae.
Rules: only a limit of 5 comments and you cannot repost a comment of others. You cannot REPOST MY SENTECE!

1 comment:

  1. has been removed new account is
